Scandinavia and the World
Scandinavia and the World

Comments #9461890:

Matter of Perspective 29 2, 7:53pm

@dumdristig I should probably let this pass but... I'm a rebellious-hockey-playing-lumber-jack of a French-Irish-German-Norwegian-British-Canadian who enjoys poking at sleeping bears for shits and giggles.
It is true that we were still a British Colony at the time, and you not for obvious reasons, but it was colonists who lived in Canada who repelled the aggressive "States who have United" forces marching on Ottawa that were threatening their families. Not the British Navy and ground forces 2200 Miles away in England and France who were busy serving Napoleon Bonaparte his eviction notice until 1814. Almost as if someone knew this and wanted to mop up Canada while Britain was distracted... "Hmmm".
On the topic of a victor, you would have to look at the goals of each side and determine who realised more of them than the other.
The United States goal was to annex Canada into them and expel any remaining British control from the Americas.
The collective goal of the Commonwealth was to repel attackers from Canadian soil and to say "you had your fun during the revolution but you're not as hot shit as you think you are, cool your jets". Based on the fact that Canada is still here that would be +1 point for Canada and +0 points for the United States. Moving on I would think that burning down the White House and occupying Washington, D.C. for Twenty-six hours before going on ones way could reasonably be considered a swift and easily translated "up-yours", +1 for the Commonwealth.
The Treaty of Ghent was signed four months after the Burning of Washington and all territory was returned to pre-war control.
Leaving final standings at 2/0, but I'm sorry, it's a "draw" *wink*