Scandinavia and the World
Scandinavia and the World

Comments #9483490:


Eurovision Game 14 5, 2:37am

I see a lot of comments about making it into a drinking game. Personally I don't drink, so I didn't write drinking game rules. I suspect that if I did I'd either end up recommending laughably small amounts of drink or you'd need to call an ambulance before the third act. But if you did want to make it into a drinking game...

* Whenever someone gives away a token they should take a drink (This means that the person winning is doing the drinking so hopefully they'll stop winning so much)
* Increase the stakes as the game goes on. Maybe increase the size of the victory drink by half once half of the performers are done and double it once scoring starts.
* Have a special drink that a person gets to take once they're giving away one of their last three tokens. (I leave the definition of the word special in context as an exercise for the reader)

...but those are my opinions as a game designer. I think I've had maybe five drinks in my life and none within the last decade so I've no idea what actual quantities to recommend. I can only talk to the "game" part of "drinking game" ;)

Drink responsibly and if you do end up riding a bear into a nunnery while screaming your national anthem please remember to tell the police that the game had nothing to do with it.