Scandinavia and the World
Scandinavia and the World

Comments #9608521:

Language Barrier 12 3, 11:32am

@PugBuddies I moved to Japan from Las Vegas... you know, where 1/3 of the population is native Spanish speaking, but not me. I never felt as low in my whole life as I did when I was having some furniture delivered to my apartment in Tokyo, and the man said something in Japanese that was too complicated for me, so I said to him, "[I'm sorry, I don't understand]" in my broken, child-like Japanese.

He said, "Ahh... hablo Espanol?"

You mean that one language everybody in my region of the world should be *somewhat* knowledgable in? No, Mr. World Traveler moving-man, I don't speak Spanish either. T_T Never felt so dumb and so small in my life.