Scandinavia and the World
Scandinavia and the World

Comments #9784934:

Needy Dragon 24 8, 4:39am

@yoisi Quite a few of the women in Denmark wearing burqas are not only danish citizens, they are "native" (as if those exist" Danes, who have chosen to convert to Islam, and then going all-in.

Of course there are some other non-convertees wearing the burqa, but there are less and less each year it seems, I haven't seen any in a while, and I live in Copenhagen, where people are pretty well mixed up.

Of course I don't agree with supressing women (being one myself) but this is a conflict started out of a non-issue, and a conflict started out of racism (otherwise known as idiots freaking out in the right wing). Our government; Venstre/Left (a party on the right wing don't ask), Liberal Alliance and Konservative/the Conservative, are basically all puppets on Dansk Folkeparti/the racist party's string, because they need DF's mandates, but DF doesn't want to be a part of the government, and therefore leaving the government with not enough mandates. They do whatever DF says, and DF said: "No burqas or Niqabs allowed".

Now they were at a bit of a problem, because our constitution said: "Freedom of speech and expression" AND "Freedom to have your own religion". How to get around that? They just said that it was a law against wearing anythig that covered the face, which was already in existence, but just withouth the inclusion of the Niqab and Burqa.

This is illegal, goes completely against our constiution, and is built on racism and hate, not on "helping women out" as the politicians are saying.

I completely get your point, and I wish there was a way to help the women out that are in need of help, but this is NOT the solution.