Scandinavia and the World
Scandinavia and the World

Comments #9331944:


Bully Fail 5 3, 2:22am

@JxG Nope, we wouldn't in theory lost any more than what we lost if we wouldn't have teamed up with nazis, actually we would have lost less even if they wouldn't have burned Lapland. You see we had 2 wars with Soviet Union. The first one they started and attacked us and we defended our independence alone. The second war, the continuation war, started when we thought after germany wanted to be allies with us, that we could get the lost areas back. After Germany had lost in Leningrad and in Stalingrad, we started to lose areas more than we lost in the Winter War. So in theory without the nazis help there would have been only 1 war.

And about Russia paying us... we had to pay to them...