Scandinavia and the World
Scandinavia and the World

Comments #9368602:

What did you say? 13 6, 11:18pm

@NorseFolkvang Well, I don't know of any Dane which understands Icelandic. Only Norwegians are able to understand me if I speak very clearly. I can also understand Norwegian to an extent if they speak clearly enough. Swedes also seem to somewhat understand easy Icelandic conversations but I usually just speak English to them. I've often met Danish tourists who are surprised that Icelanders don't understand Danish. But the main reason why I don't understand Danish is because the accent is so different. In Icelandic we roll the "r" and rarely include any uvular sounds. However, we do have that common Scandinavian tonal-stress accent, but not as strong as the Swedish one.
It's kind of funny when Nordics make fun of each other's language. haha. At my work, we sometimes call Danes "Snakkers" (because snakke means talking) and exaggerate the Danish uvular sounds, I've heard Danes refer to Icelanders as the "urs" (because most Icelandic nouns, verbs and adjectives end with "ur"). I've sometimes heard Swedes mocking Norwegian language as "singing". lol. But no offence is meant ; ) It's just fun.