Scandinavia and the World
Scandinavia and the World

Comments #9396523:

Burn the Witch 14 8, 2:43pm

As you see "Finns" has been in the Viking time "Witchs or Wizards". So, it is not surprise that Sister Finland is still "Fire resistance 100%" :)

Witchcraft in the Orkney Islands

"Sure these are but imaginary wiles,
And Lapland sorcerers inhabit here.”
William Shakespeare - The Comedy of Errors

"Traditionally the first "witches" in the islands were said to have been "Finns".
"The Finns were powerful sorcerers with renowned healing abilities, as well as power over the weather and sea. In most cases, they were regarded as benign - precursors of the later island wise-women. "
"The Finns were so ingrained into the folklore of Orkney that up until the early years of the 20th century, the appellation "Finn" was often attached to anyone known to , or suspected of, practising "granderie" - e.g. the Sanday witch, Baabie Finn."
"Over time, however, the lore surrounding the Finns developed - or merged with an existing tradition - into the dreaded Finfolk and selkie-folk of sea-lore. This change probably coincided with the "demonisation" of these wise-women's arts. "