Scandinavia and the World
Scandinavia and the World

Comments #9415488:

Still a long way 22 10, 2:22am

Sorry, I completely missed the Shrek reference. I didn't think you meant anything bad, though, I just thought you were a fan of the metric system, which isn't a bad thing, per se, I would bet that a majority (or at least a plurality) of the world agrees with you. Obviously, I very much don't, lol. I have a rather strong antipathy towards its use in daily life. As I said, I'm glad it exists for the sake of physics (although even there, the utter lack of inventiveness in the naming conventions is unnecessarily boring) and a few other areas, but it drives me nuts that almost every country in the world has adopted it (only three countries, I believe, that are holding out), and I worry that the US will finally cave to the pressure. Unfortunately, there are many other ways in which we are an outlier in a negative sense, like not having a single-payer health care system, where Americans make impassioned pleas for why we should be different (I think they are wrong, but you can't doubt the sincerity of some of them). I'm trying to make the case for why in the case of measuring systems, it's actually good that we are different here in the US.

So, while I was replying to you, it wasn't directed at you that much, and I wasn't bothered by your statement. Nor did I mean anything in my statement to be a personal attack on you, although I certainly did mean to be very brutal towards the metric system as a concept, hope that I didn't go too far on that, lol. Not that I'd do otherwise, even if I did, but I'd at least feel bad about it. A little...