Scandinavia and the World
Scandinavia and the World

Comments #9423281:

Driving 15 11, 4:59am

In China the traffic rules are as following:

As a driver you have the biggest vehicle, so naturally you have the rights before all other vehicles to go first, plow through the lanes and if those icky cyclists or motorcycles drive in your lane, outspeed them centimetres away and well... you can argue that cyclists shouldn't be in the lane, hence you didn't have to worry about them. And put your hand on the honk constantly, move it people!!!

As a cyclist you have it so much easier to maneuver that naturally you don't care who is in the way. You run over people who walk, you swirl around cars when they get stuck in traffic, you don't use any safety gear, just go, go, go... and yes, you are fast and flexible, so you own the lane.

As a normal person walking, well, you are part of the huge group of people on the streets or sidewalks. You can easily block any cyclist with the power of the mass. You annoy drivers all the time because your walking speed is slow, but who cares. You have to get from point A to point B no matter how many roads you cross, and as for those around you, you never pay attention.

As a westerner who loved within this mess I am still wondering how I, after a year, survived this mess. China literally has no traffic laws and makes Southern Europe look like a lovely park in comparison to the wild amazons. France, you don't scare me anymore, even if small tiny European streets in high speed will still get my heart pounding for ten seconds. That is still nothing in comparison to a bicycle taxi on a highway with no way of escape.