Scandinavia and the World
Scandinavia and the World

Comments #9442558:

Germany on Vacation 9 1, 1:41am

Yeah, even some of the (relatively) mature college students I studied in Sweden and Norway with, tittered at the word for six. And yes, I know you use it, too, but not quite as much as Norwegians do, and while I studied both with college kids, I have only attempted to teach Norwegian to children, as it is the one I know better (although it's easy to understand both, it's very difficult to try to keep them straight if you're trying to use both, much less teach both).

I did not know "kiss," though, or I forgot, one of the two. I do remember in Russian class, we learned the word for "to write" immediately, of course, as it's a pretty basic word in any language. The problem is that if you say the same word, but with the stress on the other syllable in Russian, it means "to pee." You can imagine how often beginning students made that mistake before we got it right. Our TA, who was from Russia, and while definitely an adult in chronological age, was for some reason more susceptible to juvenile humor, tittered worse than a child at that mistake...