Scandinavia and the World
Scandinavia and the World

Comments #9469978:

New Nordic 2 4, 3:08am

The first thing is to remember that baltic-finnics are not just finns in Finland and estonians in Estonia. We are one (the other) side of the Vanir and the Aesir (but which of the two, that is debatable).

As the language left no records, its linguistic affiliations are uncertain. It has been suggested that its people spoke a language related to the Uralic languages and provided the unique linguistic features discussed in the Germanic substrate hypothesis.[citation needed]

Some linguists speculate that estonians used to speak germanic in the bronze age or even early iron age and only later switched to finnic. I suspect that the main contact zone between the finnics and germanics was in Sweden and the main contact zone between the finnics and balts was in Prussia.

Estonians and finns also share the Thor / Taara / Torum belief, although it is a bit different here. It is not a germanic thing at all, it even spans to Siberia.
And the island of Odensholm lies in the coastal water of Estonia, at the rim of the Neugrund meteorite crater. The estonian toponym is Osmussaar, possibly derived from Osuma+saar (impact island). Signs of Odin have been found at the Karja church (Karja triskele) near the Kaali meteorite crater. Since Estonia has been hit by more meteorites per km2 during the holocene than any other country in the world, old estonians probably figured out how to spot earlier impact craters based on the brecchia stones that the glaciers have smeared around, but which still point at the Neugrund meteorite crater. Odin (Neugrund near Odensholm) was the first and largest known meteorite impact site in the neighbourhood. And Kaali meteorite impact was the act of Thor.
Edit. And Perkunas was the minor impact site at the Ilumetsa Põrguhaud. Põrkunes roughly means "the one that rebounded".