Scandinavia and the World
Scandinavia and the World

Comments #9482638:

King Europe 11 5, 11:36am

@Norwegian_Solund That depends on how you figure. Our small state has almost the GDP of your entire nation. Most European nations aren't even close per capita.

EU GDP per capita: $37,800 (2015 est.)
Norway: $68,400 (2015 est.)
US: $56,300 (2015 est.)

But really, we have houses bigger than some palaces, on larger tracts of land.

Gas is currently 48c/liter, and a half kilo of ribeye steak costs me less than 15 minutes income.

Certainly Norway has a better handle on poverty than parts of the US, but we have a third of a billion people on the third largest land area. It's hard to compare.

State by state, 16 states exceed Norway's GDP and at least that many exceed your standard of living.

I could compare, say, TX, to Europe as a whole including PIIGS and Macedonia, for example, but the scales aren't really compatible.