Scandinavia and the World
Scandinavia and the World

Comments #9564437:

Creeping 4 12, 5:25am

@frost IIRC, Mythbusters did that with safeguards.

Methane is highly flammable indeed. It is also a much more potent greenhouse gas than CO2. The world needs to find ways to deal with it.

If you want to read about what could happen when methane gets loose, Mother of Storms by John Barnes. If you like scary weather and the next step in logging online... It's an adult book. Possibly too much so for some as some of the crimes - dystopic and scary. I add the disclaimer as US parents tend to shelter and censor their children's reading. Stupid. Mine didn't: they just had me come to them and them alone if I had a question. My only question would be, "I finished this one. May I have another?" I grew up on Star Trek, Heinlein, Piers Anthony, & pulp sci fi. I still want to retire in Luna City - no greenhouse gas issues. Moonquakes...