Scandinavia and the World
Scandinavia and the World

Comments #9425839:

Greatest Authority 22 11, 8:10pm

The reason for my 'bitching' is that I would like the Nordics to look beyond the thin veil of a 'welfare state' and 'north-germanic languages' to rediscover and reintroduce the true nordic values - the ones likely shared with estonians. Learning a north-germanic language as an additional foreign language is not a problem for estonians. We find problem with the attitude that north-germanics should be the ones to unilaterally decide what would be nordic and what not.

Membership in the Nordic Council is a separate issue.

"My home near is a small village where is already about 10% of the population of immigrants so that the Arabic language has become increasingly widespread throughout the North."

10% of foreigners is the upper limit after which social conflicts take hold, because assimilation of foreigners becomes very difficult. It is the limit after which no amount of goodwill is sufficient, there are simply too many foreigners, you can't beat the numbers and the phenomena arising from it - it is almost pure (applied) math.