Scandinavia and the World
Scandinavia and the World

Comments #9425842:

Greatest Authority 22 11, 8:34pm


Baltic-Finnic is the subgroup within Finnic, which is the subgroup of Finno-Ugric, which is the subgroup of Uralic, which is a subgroup of Indo-Uralic, which is the subgroup of Eurasiatic.
But actually, the structure of the uralic language group is a two-layered comb, suggesting a sprachbund without any discernible proto-language and proto-home, at least within the viewable time horizon. Within that two-layered comb, baltic-finnic is the subgroup that has inhabited the lands on the rim and under the recurring BaltoScandian ice shield. There is a reason why Pohjola refers both to the north and to the bottom. These are the bottomlands of the recurring iceshield.

'Baltic' means both 'white', 'light' and a 'watershed / flow area / tributary'.
Valge valgus valgub alla oru põhja.
White light flows down to the bottom of the valley.
Valkoinen valo valuaa (?) alas laakson pohjaan.
valg+ala = watershed / flow area / tributary
valu+vorm = cast / the mold = muotti
Both water and ice flow. An ice shield creates an isostatic depression - a flow area, which after the thaw becomes a lake or an inland sea (Baltic Ice Lake, Baltic Sea, White Sea).

So the Baltic area is another word for Pohjola (Nordic), basically with the same meaning. Water / ice flows to the bottom, gathers to the bottom, (re)creates the bottom / depression. The flow area of the bottomlands of the recurring ice shield in the north. Põhjala (Jäätunud) valgala Põhjamaal. Nordic / Bothnian (Jötunn) flow area in the North.