Scandinavia and the World
Scandinavia and the World

Comments #9425849:

Greatest Authority 22 11, 10:32pm

I noticed a debate in the comments on the Christmas / Yule origin. I have commented at satw before on this.
Look that the Karja triskele at the Karja church in Saaremaa:

That is a clear mixing of pagan and christian motifs.
The triskele is the sign of sun / annual wheel / Odin.
The Karja triskele has one broken leg to depict the fall of the Kaali meteorite, which happened either about 2500 years ago or up to 7000 years ago (they are still investigating and debating on the time).
And Pytheas wrote about an island Thule, "where the sun goes to sleep". A falling god / sun is often the motif of a fallen meteorite.