Scandinavia and the World
Scandinavia and the World

Comments #9492577:


In the Gaza Strip, Lesbianism is Legal, but Male homosexual 13 6, 3:28pm



A number of states are like that, actually.

It's interesting reading the history of lesbianism in Europe - if you ever get a chance I recommend it. You can find examples of "love magic" all the way back in ancient Greece (a tradition imported from Egypt) of women trying to get other women to fall in love with them and the like. Throughout much of the medieval period up to the renaissance era lesbianism was usually seen in Europe as something either to titillate men with in lewd stories (my, how times change... or not), or from a perspective of, "Oh, those poor women, so starved for a man's touch that they have to turn to each other...". Even the word "lesbian" used in its modern context is much older than most people expect, at least back to the early 1800s, and quite possibly earlier.