Scandinavia and the World
Scandinavia and the World

Comments #9494518:


According to a recent poll ( by polling firm 21 6, 2:50am

@TheChief yes yes, stealing a bag of chips while black warrants death, I've heard this line before.

I believe every adult should have voting rights, I also believe there should be legal protections of people's basic liberties. I just don't think some crooked, privileged oligarchs and a paper they wrote should be worshiped. The alternative is to let a small handful of people, if not a single person, control the lives of others. What's funny is when I criticize suppression of poor people, blacks, and women, you just repeat "giving anyone absolute power ends badly" as if I were calling for anything other than a decentralization of power.

You said Allende would become just as tyrannical, when there's no evidence of such a thing occurring, and there is evidence of the opposite. Nice back peddling though.

A crooked line is still crooked no matter if all the other lines are crooked as well.