Scandinavia and the World
Scandinavia and the World

Comments #9494539:

According to a recent poll ( by polling firm 21 6, 4:16am

@Jacob The guy thrown in the back of the van was at fault because if he hadn't been fighting the officers (who had every right to throw him in there, seeing as he was a violent drug dealer) they would have been able to secure him.
That kid ran from police and then waved something that to their sight was a gun. He is at fault, not the officers.
For one thing, it was a "17" year old, not a "7" year old. That chick was out of her mind to begin with, so she can't be held as a standard for police officers.
And you're ignoring the fact that officers are protecting us, not those thugs on the streets. Most people killed by police officers are killed because they're a threat to the officers or to the innocents.

Thomas Jefferson was OPPOSED to slavery as you would know if you'd done even the slightest bit of research. Most scholars hold his relationship with that woman was consensual.
If they feared, why did they specifically provide opportunities for the advancement of the poor and the weak in their society and the protections of them from the powerful.

The fact you honestly beleive that demonstrates you're primary source of information is some bullshit like Tumblr or Al Jazeera (aka Terrorist News Network)

Your ENTIRE concept of what basic rights are is WHOLLY derived from the Constitution you despise.

If you're so much in favor of popular power why do you rail against my suggestion of giving the choice of gay marriage to state legislatures, as opposed to investing that authority into the sinister cabal that is the federal government?

It's simple if you know what one looks like. Not quite so if you don't. You look at our government and call it evil, but you have no standard to judge what a good government would be.