Scandinavia and the World
Scandinavia and the World

Comments #9494586:

According to a recent poll ( by polling firm 21 6, 9:09am

@Dorkymike I side with the officer because he was not proven guilty. There is no evidence to prove he was and there is plenty supporting his innocence. The very fact that he is a police officer should count for something and the fact that the man he killed was a criminal should serve even more.
The violence WASN'T police incited. It was caused by Black people paranoid about a white conspiracy against them, so deep-seated that they'll ignore any evidence of wrongdoing among their own ranks in favor of blaming the police.
I didn't claim it was "just" a card. I said libtards like you use it to force their opponents on the defense about open and shut cases like some gang-banger getting shot for assaulting an officer