Scandinavia and the World
Scandinavia and the World

Comments #9495298:

According to a recent poll ( by polling firm 24 6, 1:48am

@sagas There's a difference between fighting foreign dominion of your nation and butchering everybody who disagrees with you.
The racism against the Irish was the reason we had to resort to crime. I'm not saying that doesn't have a hand in what's happened to the Mexicans and such, but the fact is that generation of immigrants coming to this country didn't do so with the intention of helping a national crime syndicate.

Point is our economy can't support as many mouths as we got let alone those coming here.

Recent immigrants.
That wasn't racial tension. That was a fight to unify the nation and free it from British authorities and their Unionist sympathizers.

The way I hear it is that the Bobbies have for the first time had to start using guns due to the crime caused by unregulated immigration.
And in France need I point out the recent attack by ISIS militants?

The EU has passed unfair laws without any consideration to those not in the leadership and forced Britain to accept immigrants they aren't ready for and can't take care of.
Idiots who make up-according to the most recent pole I read-48% of the British population.