Scandinavia and the World
Scandinavia and the World

Comments #9515648:


"backpfeifengesicht" is a word in the German langu 13 8, 3:19pm

@IsaIna Is this where I should butt in, and say that while the scandinavian languages are norwegian, swedish and danish are probably almost as similar as german and austrian, there are some words that can cause confusion.
For example, the swedish word "stad" is "by" in norwegian. Both meaning city.
And the swedish word "by" is similar to the norwegian word "stad". Or more accurately "tettstad". Both meaning village.
Also, the swedish word "kuslig" and the norwegian word "koselig" have practically opposite meanings. "Kusligt" meaning creepy, and "koselig" meaning cozy.
And the word "grine" in danish and norwegian also have opposite meanings. In danish it means laugh, while in norwegian it means cry.