@flyingbanana Undoing all of US' trade deals is certainly isolationalist policy. Building a wall to Mexico is isolationalist policy. Imparting tariffs is isolationalist policy. Refusing immigrants or refugees is isolationalist policy. Building on the military? Well, since Trump has stated he doesn't want to get included in the World's strife, it would seem more like a protective move which is, you guessed it, isolationalist policy.
@flyingbanana Undoing all of US' trade deals is certainly isolationalist policy. Building a wall to Mexico is isolationalist policy. Imparting tariffs is isolationalist policy. Refusing immigrants or refugees is isolationalist policy. Building on the military? Well, since Trump has stated he doesn't want to get included in the World's strife, it would seem more like a protective move which is, you guessed it, isolationalist policy.