[ Findland have never been a matriarchy. Before it was conquered by Sweden and Christianised it was ruled my a myriad of small tribes with a classical patriarchal structure. ]
All baltic-finnics (including estonians and finns) had matrimony. It is ingrained into our common language and customs. By 1200 AD, it had become balanced or slightly tilted towards patrimony due to extensive indo-european influences. Basically, in a family the woman was the boss. One could even say that she still is the boss. And because our finnic societies never tilted too much to the patrimony, it also didn't need to correct as much towards the current feminazi stance. Or at least that is how I like to think of it.
[ Of course the fascist/satanic rule we have today is very problematic, but they would never have had any foothole if they hadn't been able to neuter the men and drive out Christendom ant its universalistic ethic. ]
Now here estonians and finns are again ambivalent, in that our society never fully embraced christianity, nativist-animist way of thought is still quite frequent here. Also, our favourite cursewords are Perkele and Kurat, both referring to a celestial object falling from the sky and plunging underground. So, I'd say that finnic people view the ethics part as somewhat more universal than christian values. And the universality is not as much that of human values, as that of partly stemming from the animist worldview (even though the animist and christian worldviews can be successfully integrated as well).
[ Women and men both have their place in society, they are like the heart and the brain, both are pretty essential organs. The heart feels, the brain thinks. Women are emotional, men are rational. ]
While that may be true, in finnic societies, women were leading family life while men were leading trade and defense matters, although there could be exceptions either way.
[ But women are not warriors, they have never been warriors and they never will be. It is against her nature to fight for her tribe, it is against her biological imperative. ]
I wouldn't be so categorical. Yes, ship crews were men.
But women could fight, although usually didn't.
[ If the men in her tribe is too weak to defend it, she needs to go along to get along with the conquerors. ]
Again, not always.
The Rus chronicles describe (a meme) where the chud women committed suicide instead of giving themselves up to conquerors.
[ Its all about biology, what is the best strategy to ensuring ones progeny. For women it have always been to find the strongest man, for men it is to be the strongest. ]
Not quite.
The strongest vikings in Greenland became christianised and died off or left. The women didn't become wives of inuits. There are other qualities besides strength to provide a long future for the offspring.
[ A man that fights and wins will get a bride, if he fights and lose he'll die, but if he don't, if he is too much of a coward he might as well be a eunuch, no women wants to date a pussy. ]
Too categorical.
For example, an estonian national epic contains a wisdom:
"Esimesed heidetakse, tagumised tapetakse, keskmised koju tulevad!"
(The first are thrown, the last are slayed, the ones in the middle come home.)
There are other wisdoms which praise military feats.
Also, estonian epic stories tell of women of supernatural strengths to carry stones.
So our folklore tells both about the Kal-Ev supermen and of Linda and Piret superwomen.
[ Findland have never been a matriarchy. Before it was conquered by Sweden and Christianised it was ruled my a myriad of small tribes with a classical patriarchal structure. ]
All baltic-finnics (including estonians and finns) had matrimony. It is ingrained into our common language and customs. By 1200 AD, it had become balanced or slightly tilted towards patrimony due to extensive indo-european influences. Basically, in a family the woman was the boss. One could even say that she still is the boss. And because our finnic societies never tilted too much to the patrimony, it also didn't need to correct as much towards the current feminazi stance. Or at least that is how I like to think of it.
[ Of course the fascist/satanic rule we have today is very problematic, but they would never have had any foothole if they hadn't been able to neuter the men and drive out Christendom ant its universalistic ethic. ]
Now here estonians and finns are again ambivalent, in that our society never fully embraced christianity, nativist-animist way of thought is still quite frequent here. Also, our favourite cursewords are Perkele and Kurat, both referring to a celestial object falling from the sky and plunging underground. So, I'd say that finnic people view the ethics part as somewhat more universal than christian values. And the universality is not as much that of human values, as that of partly stemming from the animist worldview (even though the animist and christian worldviews can be successfully integrated as well).
[ Women and men both have their place in society, they are like the heart and the brain, both are pretty essential organs. The heart feels, the brain thinks. Women are emotional, men are rational. ]
While that may be true, in finnic societies, women were leading family life while men were leading trade and defense matters, although there could be exceptions either way.
[ But women are not warriors, they have never been warriors and they never will be. It is against her nature to fight for her tribe, it is against her biological imperative. ]
I wouldn't be so categorical. Yes, ship crews were men.
But women could fight, although usually didn't.
[ If the men in her tribe is too weak to defend it, she needs to go along to get along with the conquerors. ]
Again, not always.
The Rus chronicles describe (a meme) where the chud women committed suicide instead of giving themselves up to conquerors.
[ Its all about biology, what is the best strategy to ensuring ones progeny. For women it have always been to find the strongest man, for men it is to be the strongest. ]
Not quite.
The strongest vikings in Greenland became christianised and died off or left. The women didn't become wives of inuits. There are other qualities besides strength to provide a long future for the offspring.
[ A man that fights and wins will get a bride, if he fights and lose he'll die, but if he don't, if he is too much of a coward he might as well be a eunuch, no women wants to date a pussy. ]
Too categorical.
For example, an estonian national epic contains a wisdom:
"Esimesed heidetakse, tagumised tapetakse, keskmised koju tulevad!"
(The first are thrown, the last are slayed, the ones in the middle come home.)
There are other wisdoms which praise military feats.
Also, estonian epic stories tell of women of supernatural strengths to carry stones.
So our folklore tells both about the Kal-Ev supermen and of Linda and Piret superwomen.