Scandinavia and the World
Scandinavia and the World

Comments #9592007:


Hurry hurry hurry 7 2, 10:16am

@TheyCallMeMo My guess, just out of irony's sake, is probably hamantashen, a pastry eaten by Jews on Purim. They're these yummy triangular cookies generally filled with jam or chocolate (those are the only ones I've seen before, but there's probably other flavors) made in a triangular shape to mock the triangular hat of Haman, a Jew-hating vizier to King Ahasuerus of Persia. To sum up the story, basically Haman tricked the King into thinking the Jews were evil, and set up a date that all the Jewish citizens would be killed on. Queen Ester, who was secretly a Jew, found out about this, and after a Motivational Pep Talk™ from her Uncle Mordechai, she invited the king and Haman to dinner. At the dinner, she told the king that she was a Jew, and the king was so outraged at Haman's treachery that he had him hanged on the spot. Since the king couldn't take back his original order to kill the Jews, he instead issued a new order that allowed the Jews to fight back, and they won. Basically I just thought it would be ironic if they offered a treat designed to symbolize the defeat of an anti semite right before being forced to flee an anti semite.