Scandinavia and the World
Scandinavia and the World

Comments #9597775:

Eurovision Winners 18 2, 12:27am

@PaxRomana Greenland is largely independant, but follow the Danish constitution. When it comes to whaling, it's because Denmark is soveriegn when it comes to Greenland's foriegn policy, and whaling often occurs in international waters. And generally when it comes to trade, it's also international, hence why it's Danish law that rules. Greenland is very dependant, in terms of finance, of Denmark, it's unlikely that Greenland could sustain completely independant, as the nation doesn't have any industry (other than fishing) to speak of, and tourism isn't exactly paying that well for Greenland. It's kind of based on "as long as Greenland needs Denmark for financial help, Greenland will be under Danish law". Which is a simplified version of the story.