Scandinavia and the World
Scandinavia and the World

Comments #9601427:

Living Hell 26 2, 2:11am


Ha, ha - you desperately searched for a country you thought proved you point and came up with... Iceland?!

Iceland has a population of just over 330,000 inhabitants. If you subtract the children and the elderly you're left with only about 200,000 people that are even likely to commit crimes at all.

Not really a country fit for serious comparison with any other when it comes to crime.

Because crime of course is less likely the fewer people there are. A criminal can't hide in a crowd if everybody knows everybody else and that's almost the case on Iceland. Certainly the Icelandic police knows every single criminal that's ever been caught on the island by name and sight, probably from memory alone.

So - really cherry-picked choice of nation there.

But none the less, it appears there are enough people for some crime to still exist in Iceland - just very, very little compared to everywhere else.

Now why there is so little crime on Iceland (besides the fact's I've mentioned) is explained in this BBC-article:

Which also contains the intriguing fact that "Right now, police are cracking down on organised crime".
I'm surprised to hear Iceland has any organised crime at all and how many can there possibly be in these "organisations"? Are we talking five criminals sharing a table at the pub or what is this?

Any way - I'm certain that if there is organised crime in Iceland criminals also end up in conflict with each other - they always do.

Now I can't find a source on this since there's not a lot of stuff on Iceland's organised crime online, but maybe an Icelandic reader can shed some light on this?

Do criminals in Iceland get into conflicts with each other or are they - like ThorsomeTarmukas believe - all the best of friends?

Because according to him apparently only immigrant criminals fight amongst themselves.