Scandinavia and the World
Scandinavia and the World

Comments #9608657:

Language Barrier 12 3, 10:58pm


You may believe that most politicians are assholes - but there isn't really any proof of that, since most politicians don't actually behave like assholes in public. Since that's generally considered a very bad idea if you want people to vote for you.

Trump of course famously broke all the rules on this and only became more popular with his supporters the more he acted like an asshole to everyone else.

Maybe he's showing the way of the future where more politicians will start behaving like this, but I frankly doubt that.
Partly because I don't think it would be a winning strategy anywhere else but on the far right and partly because I don't think very many other politicians speak like that in private anyway.

Politicians may be putting on an act most of the time to attract voters, but I don't think very many of them are actually as crude as Trump is. He's very special in that regard, I believe.

But then he was born a billionaire and has never had to work hard for anything in his entire life.
He's surrounded himself with people who's on his pay roll and who won't ever speak back to him. He's lived this sheltered life in his own little bubble where everyone kisses his ass what ever he says or does. No wonder he lacks all social skills and have no clue about anything then.

He actually sat in an interview about two weeks ago and claimed that Obama likes him. He could feel that he said.
Of course Obama thinks he's an idiot and a racist and doesn't like him at all - but he's too polite and professional to say everything he thinks.
That concept - of not expressing every single thought you have - is clearly completely foreign to Trump. Because he's never had to filter his speech on anything, ever in his life.