Scandinavia and the World
Scandinavia and the World

Comments #9627669:

Home Decorator 29 4, 12:49am


Yeah, I misspoke. Exchange the word "majority" for "plurality" in my first sentence above. So this:

"A majority of the voters did vote for Clinton yes - and that's all that's required to win the popular vote."

should read:

"A plurality of the voters did vote for Clinton yes - and that's all that's required to win the popular vote".

You point is semantically true and I concede I used the wrong word - but it means nothing for the larger argument.

Clinton would still be the winner by democratic terms even if she had only gotten 10% of the votes cast, Trump 9% and 81 other candidate had gotten 1% each. Her actual percentage of the votes cast is immaterial as long as she won a plurality - which she did.

Democracy is not about winning a fixed percentage but winning the largest popular support - that's the entire point of "one person, one vote". Every single citizen should have the same share in running the country.

The current US system is therefore less democratic since it doesn't actually work on that principle, but awards slightly more then 1.0 votes to voters in some states and slightly less in others.

And since this current imbalance favors the Republicans you think it's a wonderful system of course - but it's still not in accordance with democratic principles.

But then neither are the Republicans voter suppression laws that work to actively discourage citizens of minority descent to vote - but I'm sure your all fine with that too.

Because as I said - you and Trump don't actually care about democracy at all of course. Just as long as you're winning on the system your all for it, however it works.