Scandinavia and the World
Scandinavia and the World

Comments #9627727:

Home Decorator 29 4, 2:15am


The Democrats are representing policy's based on science and facts while the Republicans are basing their policies on dog-whistle calls to racism and economic policies that's bankrupting the nation to enrich the few at the very top.
People with higher education can see the difference and vote accordingly and the higher educated are centered around big cities and collage towns - obviously.

But where people live shouldn't be a factor in a national election for president at all - that's completely undemocratic to begin with.
The entire electoral collage is a complete abomination from a democratic standpoint - just like Trump said when he thought it cost Romney the presidency in 2012.

The Democrats historically did better when the American voters - even if they where less educated then today - where smarter.
But with right-wing propaganda dumbing down a large part of the American electorate they now vote for a reality-TV star who inherited his billions in the belief that he will be their champion.
Of course they'll be completely f**ed over by Trump and his billionaire friends - but as long as they keep feeding from the right-wing propaganda trough they'll probably find a way to blame Obama or Hillary anyway.

The Republicans have complete control over all the three branches of the federal government but they can't even get their own bills passed - but still it's always somehow the democrats faults.

Now the American public didn't use to be as stupid as this, but there has been a significant dumbing down in the last decades and there is an interesting parallel in the UK with Brexit.
In both countries Rupert Murdoch of Fox News own media empires that pump out right-wing propaganda. My guess is we'll see more attention to that fact if the rest of Europe keeps on rejecting the far-right as it has so far in Holland and France.

The US-UK axis seems to be an exception - at least so far.

Yep - voter suppression. I guess you don't get to hear about that from the propaganda outlets you call news but it's a very real thing indeed. Republican legislatures keeps coming up with new laws and the judiciary keeps striking many of them down as unconstitutional.

Just because it's a common mantra of US politicians to extol the incredible freedom and democracy of the US you don't actually believe that's true - do you?
Your system is used as a warning example of what not to become as a nation in basically all European countries. But most Trump voters won't know about that of course, because they're too stupidly chauvinistic to believe there could ever be any problem with the US system - being spoofed "American exceptionalism" their whole life.

And yep - neither you nor Trump clearly care a jot about democracy. He blasted the electoral system as completely undemocratic as I've shown you when he thought it cost Romney the last election, but he's not said a word about it since someone informed him Romney didn't actually win the popular vote.
And he's completely fine with winning this way himself - although he called for a revolution just 4 years ago when he thought Romney lost.
So he's clearly not interested in democratic principles at all.

And you've advocated here for suspending democracy all together and striping citizens of California of all influence in the democratic process.

Obviously neither of you care one bit about democracy - it's all just words to you. As long as your candidate wins you're fine with any undemocratic infringements to the US system.

And no one "convinced me" about anything. As I said I misspoke and used the word "majority" when I should have used "plurality".

But if you'd like to avoid those kind of problems we could always continue this discussion in my native language of Swedish instead if you'd prefer?
I'm sure your Swedish is much better then my English - right?