Scandinavia and the World
Scandinavia and the World

Comments #9627735:

Home Decorator 29 4, 2:25am


Well Humon is European and most Europeans are anti both Brexit and Trump, yes.
Basically the only one's that's for either or both belongs to the ring-wing or the far-right-wing politically.

It's not so much a question about anyone saying that either Brexit or Trump is evil really as that they're both really, really stupid...

Which they both are - based on all available facts.

Now you may not like those facts and prefer the far-rights "alternative facts" - but you can't really fault Humon, the majority of Europeans or the majority of media in the free world for sticking to actual facts, really.

After all - actual facts have worked rather good for mankind through the millennia.
"Alternative facts" - not so much.