Scandinavia and the World
Scandinavia and the World

Comments #9627738:


Home Decorator 29 4, 2:37am

'@Nisse'_Hult No, you didn't misspeak - you just didn't know what the hell you were talking about. If you were actually thinking 'plurality' but wrote 'majority', you wouldn't have gotten onto that whole tangent where you lectured me about getting a majority of the actual vote versus a majority of the eligible electorate. That whole discussion only made sense if you actually believed in the first place that Hillary got more than 50% of the votes cast.

It's that combination of ignorance and arrogance that is bothering me here. You clearly get all your information from whatever the Swedish equivalent of CNN is, meaning you actually *know* nothing. You probably don't have the faintest idea why our president is elected the way he is...although I'm sure you're rushing off to Wikipedia right now to find out. And then to top it off, you have to make up accusations ("And you've advocated here for suspending democracy all together [...]") which are nonsensical.

The best part? After having made a complete fool of yourself, you will still sit there and lecture me (and anyone else dumb enough to engage) on subjects about which you know nothing.

Anyway...I've spent far more time than I should have bickering with people over a cartoon. You're welcome to the last word here, and we'll call it a day.