Scandinavia and the World
Scandinavia and the World

Comments #9628085:


Home Decorator 29 4, 4:43pm


What I meant about Trump having the biggest win since Reagan, is the biggest republican win, for instance he was the only one since Reagan that took Pennsylvania, and almost all of the rustbelt, and the reason why is because he represented the workers whereas Hillary only represented the hippie elite.
Now let us just hope that he follows though, because President Trump, have so far been far less “presidential” then candidate Trump.

2) Globalism vs nationalism
Is not left vs right, it is up vs down. In the old days the left was very much anti-globalism, anti-authoriarianism, very much anti-war, in short very much on our side, for the things that really mattered.
I don’t understand what happened to the left, I liked Bernie Sanders, he had some crazy ideas, but he also had a few good ones like wanting to break up the big banks
Please explain to me, while ye have flip-flopped so.

3) Russiaphile
What we, and what I mean is nationalist not “the right” like about Russia is that they are in opposition to the globalist agenda, and that they are a Christian nation. If thou think that the United State are Christian, then please explain the decadence, the celebration of perversion such as hemophilia and that which is much much worse then hemophilia. Please explain the laws that actively perverts the institution of marriage.
The right is not in control, we haven’t been for a very long time, and ye should be glad to have someone like Trump, he bares all the hallmarks of a doubleagent.
The right are the counter-culture, and the left are the establishment, there is no denying that.
Things have been moving so far to the left that even a moderate like Marine Le Pen are seen as far right. The dangers are from the far left, from organizations like antifa. Please explain the Berkeley riots.

4) “People adhering to f***ed-up ideologies commits acts of terror in accordance with their ideology.”
Agree. And that Ideology is called Islam. No Christian, Buddist or Sikh have ever committed terror in the name of their religion.
There are people from these religions that have turned atheist and committed terror, there are people from these religions that have committed terror in the name of nationalism and there are people from these religions that have turned communist and brought on terror in that name.

5) The Rape capital of Europe
It is not an official title, it is just a conclusion based on how many rapes are committed there, compared to other European cities.
But instead of listening exclusively to dinosaur medias, try to use thy own eyes, go to one of the infamous ghettos like Rinkeby and see how it is like, or listen to one of the real experts like Ingrid Carlqvist.
There is a very good interview with her here:

6) Far right fundamentalist
I am not a far right fundamentalist. I am a nationalist (which is neither left nor right but down as I have explained), and I am more or less centrist on the left-right scale.
Remember right is liberal, left is socialist, up is globalist, down is nationalist.
I just took the political compass test again to test where I am
Quite centrist actually.
So stop slurring labels at me, I think it is important that we don’t put a label on the other that he don’t also agree on. As I said, thou can call me a nationalist. And if thou want to specify it, thou can call me a national-liberal, because that is what I self-identify as.

7) Russian influence
“One of the ways they did that was to hack certain institutions like the DNC”
Wikileaks itself says it was an inside leak, and I find the story that there are some democrats that still have a conscious, and wants to expose the corruption in their own party, more plausible then the story that it was just an outside hack.
I don’t think voting machines should exist, there is no paper trail, no way to guarantee that the voting is honest. And regarding “fake news”
Be careful what thou call fake news. All news organizations have a narrative; some are pushing it harder than others, but they all believe in something. Just choosing what to cover and what not to cover can be considered a form of manipulation. For instance the mainstream media ran a massive slur campaign against Trump based on an inappropriate comment he thought he had said in private, more than a decade ago. At the same time they ignored Hillary’s failing health and all of the other scandals surrounding her.

8) Class of civilisations
“If all you far-right fundamentalist die valiantly in the defense of Christianity or "Western culture" or what ever f***ed-up nonsense you think you fight for I promise I'll build you a nice memorial praising you deeds - OK?”
This is an almost stereotypical example of how an r-selective human think.
Ye want to let the enemy in through the gate, so that they will kill all of your own alpha males that tries to defend our civilization.
But the problem is that we won’t be the only casualties. Western civilization have given your kind, everything, if it falls to Islam, if we fail to defend it, ye will all be hanging from lightpost the next dawn.

I admit that I did not understand the leftist mind until I learned about r/k selection theory.
But it goes like this.
r-selectives focus on quantity. For them resources are limitless because it is external factors that limits their population. An example is rabbits. A rabbit mom don’t care about loosing a kitten, because she can always make more. And a rabbit don’t have to run faster than the predator, it just have to be able to run faster than one other rabbit. There is no group loyalty, no honour among the r’s.

It is quite opposite for the k-selective. They focus on quality. A typical example is the wolf. Don’t even think about getting close to a wolfmoms cubs, she will defend them with her life. She loves her children because she puts great effort into each of them. Wolfs population are limited by intrinsic factors by their own skills, and a smart wolf is a great advantage for the whole pack.

The theory works on humans as well, as there are some people (leftist) that thinks that resources are limitless, and others (rightist) that understand that resources are limited.
I don’t mind that we collectively pays for certain privileges, like healthcare, that is why I am centrist. But I understand that it is a privilege and not a right. It is critical that we understand that. Rights are natural, they come from God, privileges are things we have to work for.
Liberty is a right, eating is a privilege. Food is limited, if we don’t work for it, and no one is willing to share theirs, we starve. Giving alms is a virtue, but it is not a duty, we don’t have the right, to the fruit of other peoples labour.