Scandinavia and the World
Scandinavia and the World

Comments #9628366:

Home Decorator 30 4, 8:19am

Anyone still believing that the US is being run from the Kremlin has clearly not been watching the news for the past month. Even before the sarin attack in Syria and Trump's reaction, it was clear that the Russian government officials and many Russians were at the mercy of Trump. They were happy when Trump got elected, but not because they can now manipulate the United States and the Western; they wanted Trump because he "promised" to get rid of the sanctions the US laid on Russia's elite after the Crimea annexation and let Putin do whatever he pleases in Ukraine and Syria. They did not give a rat's hole about what was going on in the US. I don't care what your position on Russia's involvement in the US election is, but only a dumbass would believe that Trump is Putin's puppet.

Coming back to April 2017, not only has Trump done nothing with regard to the sanctions, he made a U-turn against Putin and gave him the signal that he was not going to f*** with him in foreign policy. Trump plays by his own rules and doesn't care what Putin says. Quite frankly, this is the first time I am disappointed with the comic strip for the week. Maybe I would have cut some slack earlier in the year, but now it just doesn't seem appropriate. Research needs to be done if you're going to make a comic about it.