Scandinavia and the World
Scandinavia and the World

Comments #9629507:


Home Decorator 3 5, 1:42pm


So, listen. I'm not a Trump supporter. Hate the guy, everything he stands for, and I'm tied to this crashing meteor whether I like it or not.

But whether or not Russia influenced the election (they probably did, albeit in ways that I think one dedicated whistle-blower could easily match or exceed), the point that @StuckovertheAtlantic is making is that the US's current foreign relations with Russia are not the close ties that were expected immediately preceding inauguration. They, like many Americans, backed Trump on campaign promises that he did not follow up on. Jokes about the Kremlin maintaining any sort of control over Trump's actions are both overused at this point and increasingly seem to be inaccurate given the international situation in Crimea and Syria.

Does the Secretary of State have the medal of friendship? Yes. Has he given Russia the main things that they want? No. International politics are messy and convoluted, but it's fairly clear at this point that we're not a puppet state.

Kindly avoid saying that people don't know anything when they've clearly done more independent research into the matter than you have, and bear in mind that mass media is not necessarily giving the full picture at any given time.