Scandinavia and the World
Scandinavia and the World

Comments #9784459:


Needy Dragon 21 8, 10:25am

@ACVE those people are guests . most of them are TEMPORARY "refugees" if they go to another country they NEED to adhere to the host country's way of culture and the host country has every right to make them do so. you feminists SJWS have too much maternal instinct(i can say this cause im a female too) that you dont realize that you need to sometimes put your foot down and let them know they are in OTHER PEOPLES LAND. .

theres an interesting comment i read that i completely agree with "Immigration without assimilation is just invasion" and how can anyone assimilate when they cut themselves from the rest of the world wearing those things?

if people come to your land as a refugee or immigrant the host country has full rights to make them adhere to the local culture