Scandinavia and the World
Scandinavia and the World

Comments #9784839:


Needy Dragon 23 8, 12:57pm

@ACVE if they are citizens thats even worse. you have citizens that are creating their own little subgroup and "country within your country" thats exactly what the problem is. islam is a very dominating culture and when they become the majority they do try to impose their rules on to everyone else. it IS invasion . its silent invasion when people come in and dont assimilate. call it "far right" to say say the truth if you want ,it doesnt stop being the truth.
i have no problem with hijab but the nijab is a problem. people in hijabs can still assimilate but people in nijabs are completely cut off from society so how can they assimilate?

there are different cultures sure and some can get along with others. but there needs to be certain limits for things to work . you cant put two completely incompatible cultures in to one area and expect everything to work out.