Scandinavia and the World
Scandinavia and the World

Comments #9800732:

About 80% of Ukraine's general population speaks Russia 27 11, 10:32pm

Well that and the fact it was part of URSS.
Any land part of it had russians mass "shipped" over there,as a way to make sure they keep the actual natives in cheek and slowly make the russian language and culture just as powerful or even more important than the one of the natives if the numbers of russian would eventually manage to overgrow the one of the natives.

I know people from replublic Moldova that can barely speak romanian even if its their mother language,but they have no problem speaking russian.Tho usually this is a thing only in places with a very high russian population,in villages and cities were there are more moldavians or only moldavians,this is not really an issue.

Seems to a thing in Ukraine and the baltic countries too from what I heard from people living there(but they did some counter movements against this).Wonder if Belarus also has this problem?Anyone from Belarus than can confirm this or not?

I know they tried to also do this in Romania during the first half of the comunist era,but since we were not part of URSS their influence was far smaller and the russian language,literature and culture was either rejected either was not useful enough outside school so they didn't reject it but didn't bother much it outside getting a good grade and fully forgot everything about it once they graduated.