Scandinavia and the World
Scandinavia and the World

Comments #9803031:

Linux, the popular family of free and open-source software o 13 12, 4:25am

@Dan Thank you for bringing up the points that I wondered if I should add or not. As you might see, I wanted to make a short fact card without a long rant. I thought "originally" and "developed" were sufficient to convey that he was the first while others continued after that. *shrug* I see that it came across differently.

Being a Swedish speaking Finn means that the person in question is still a Finn. Statues of Finns with Swedish (or other non-Finnish) names can be found all over Finland, so that is not a thing... If one wants to nitpick.
Being an asshole is another thing that makes me shrug. Clearly he is not a charismatic person. But then again, I do not see how that links to the fact card...