Over museums? ...No not really, which is why I'm dubious.
I've thought it over, and I can call to mind a total of 4 museums in my tri-city area that I'm aware of (not that I've actually gone inside every one of them). I'm even including a tiny glassware art gallery/museum that's attached to a mall and is only the size of a small store... and you can buy the glassware if you're so inclined, so I think they're playing pretty loose with the term "museum".
Starbucks doesn't quite have the penetration in this area that Tim Hortens does but I have probably passed by about 10 of them. Probably double that number of MacDonalds. There are absolutely more than that, but like the museums, I'm just counting the ones I'm aware of.
So, with admittedly not having taking a full, accurate survey, locally I believe we have at least around 10x as many Starbucks and MacDonalds as museums.
Over museums? ...No not really, which is why I'm dubious.
I've thought it over, and I can call to mind a total of 4 museums in my tri-city area that I'm aware of (not that I've actually gone inside every one of them). I'm even including a tiny glassware art gallery/museum that's attached to a mall and is only the size of a small store... and you can buy the glassware if you're so inclined, so I think they're playing pretty loose with the term "museum".
Starbucks doesn't quite have the penetration in this area that Tim Hortens does but I have probably passed by about 10 of them. Probably double that number of MacDonalds. There are absolutely more than that, but like the museums, I'm just counting the ones I'm aware of.
So, with admittedly not having taking a full, accurate survey, locally I believe we have at least around 10x as many Starbucks and MacDonalds as museums.