Scandinavia and the World
Scandinavia and the World

Comments #9810196:

There are more museums in the U.S. than there are Starbucks 20 2, 7:17pm

@Monty Haha yeah we have stuff like "Here used to live a great writter of this country" type houses or other similar things that just hoard some old speicific stuff that call themselves museums.But I never consider them museums,just at best a conservation act or a memorial house.
A museum has proper conservation methods,has experts to analyse how real the objects are,are officially accepted by the state and get funds,they do trades with other museums etc.
So hence my skepticism towards that info.Since even if the US is big,its not really an accient country known for its history and cultural avangard that could afford or even have the exhibits necesary to outnumber fast food/coffee house chains.
But I guess this is were the subjective part comes in for what makes something a real museum or not?