It has come to my attention that members of the loony-toons fringe of the UFO community are now writing about something that they call "blue avian aliens", which are bird-like ETs.
Depending on who's ranting about it, these creatures are either benevolent helpers of humanity, working to prevent galactic war; or part of the well-known secret plot to depopulate the world and enslave whoever remains.
In either case, the avians have been around for millions of years doing whatever it is they've been doing. Funny that I've read UFO and alien-contact literature that dates all the way back to the Sixties, and I've never heard of such a thing. They've been hanging around for all this time, and nobody noticed them until a couple of years ago? Supposedly, feathered gods like Quetzalcoatl, bird-headed gods like Ra, Judeo-Christian angels, and various other traditional figures are supposed to be blue avian aliens, although they look nothing like each other, and nothing like the "real" aliens.
It has come to my attention that members of the loony-toons fringe of the UFO community are now writing about something that they call "blue avian aliens", which are bird-like ETs.
Depending on who's ranting about it, these creatures are either benevolent helpers of humanity, working to prevent galactic war; or part of the well-known secret plot to depopulate the world and enslave whoever remains.
In either case, the avians have been around for millions of years doing whatever it is they've been doing. Funny that I've read UFO and alien-contact literature that dates all the way back to the Sixties, and I've never heard of such a thing. They've been hanging around for all this time, and nobody noticed them until a couple of years ago?