Scandinavia and the World
Scandinavia and the World

Comments #9823035:

I GUESS 8 10, 6:35pm

@Hinoron Probably... It was, initially a Spanish colony, before Mexico separated, then it was a Mexican territory, with immigrants from USA being invited to settle in the area along the river in the middle of the state. At first Spanish outnumbered non-Spanish, but in about a decase after that non-spaniards got much more numbers. We'll skip all the shady disagreements of the next decade, and yeah, we end up with a weird mix of non-Spanish "caucasians" of just under half of the population. They are non necessarily British, as US census rarely do that, mainly going for "spanish/non-spanish" devide. They could be of any European descent, but probably mainly British (based off the first American immigrants surnames and previous census, that placed English-descent as the highest percentage at roughly a quarter of the population). Third of the state's population is of Spanish roots, one tenth is colored.