Scandinavia and the World
Scandinavia and the World

Comments #9823411:

The boat is being floated 17 10, 3:48pm


True its a case of their language rather than actions but it was definitely a sore point, both with the majority unionist population in the north and Britain as a whole. While there was bigotry on the British side over the question of self-rule by Dublin the biggest obstacle to why it didn't happen was that the bulk of the Catholic 'Nationalists' were being hypocritical in that they were refusing the unionists of the north the same right of self-government that they themselves insisted on.

One possible solution to the issue of the border would be if there was a referendum and the north decided to join the south. However if such a referendum occurred I don't know what way it would go. The majority of the north is still Protestant, albeit the margins are closing. Also the troubles have made the social culture in the north a lot more conservative. The south has changed drastically in recent years, especially in terms of the power and influence of the church and issues of personal freedom. In the north both communities, probably the Protestants more than the Catholics are frozen in older social attitudes. That's why its the one part of the UK that still doesn't accepted same sex marriages and has restrictions on abortion for instance. As such north and south, religion aside could be too far apart socially for some people.