'@vlexitrokxh' depends on what you want to achieve. If you just want to get back to healthy weight at keep it, consulting with a doctor is a good idea. Losing too much weight too fast can cause significant health issues (gall and kidney stones, loss of muscle mass and such), nutritional deficiency isn't too good for you either.
Articles like "Get Rid Of This <insert number> Things And Eat As Much As You Want While Still Losing Weight" are usually trash. Unless you're confident that you can come up with an at least approximately balanced diet, it's better to get an advice from dietitian.
Aside from that you'll need kitchen scales, some way to log your daily intake (don't trust your memory) and find a site that lists nutritional data for various foodstuffs, that helps when there is no label to look at.
Try to form a habit of eating in a way that gets you within the expected limits, that way you won't gain weight again after reaching the set goal.
'@vlexitrokxh' depends on what you want to achieve. If you just want to get back to healthy weight at keep it, consulting with a doctor is a good idea. Losing too much weight too fast can cause significant health issues (gall and kidney stones, loss of muscle mass and such), nutritional deficiency isn't too good for you either.
Articles like "Get Rid Of This <insert number> Things And Eat As Much As You Want While Still Losing Weight" are usually trash. Unless you're confident that you can come up with an at least approximately balanced diet, it's better to get an advice from dietitian.
Aside from that you'll need kitchen scales, some way to log your daily intake (don't trust your memory) and find a site that lists nutritional data for various foodstuffs, that helps when there is no label to look at.
Try to form a habit of eating in a way that gets you within the expected limits, that way you won't gain weight again after reaching the set goal.