Scandinavia and the World
Scandinavia and the World

Comments #9838500:

Galar Squad 8 8, 8:44am

I wanted to give Northern Ireland a seal Pokémon, since seals are native to Ireland, and Walrein evolves from a Pokémon based on a seal. But I didn't want to give Northern Ireland two unevolved Pokémon.
While I didn't draw that here, I'd also like to think each of the UK characters have a tough water type able to learn surf, because island nation and also the Royal Navy. Scotland has Lapras (because Loch Ness monster), Northern Ireland has Walrein, Wales has a Gyarados (I wanted Wales to have mostly dragon-like Pokémon), and England has a Milotic (because posh). Maybe I should draw that.
I choose Hattrem because it's a forest witch, and made me think of old Celtic mythology. I also wanted each character to have one less intimidating looking Pokémon as more of a companion than a fighter.
Woah, long explanation. But oh well ^^'