@closetghostgal I think you mean South? You're talking about black one right? North is short dude next to her.
Yeah I made South "thicc" because southern states have higher obisety rate than rest of the country so she has a bit more chub than other plus she has great food
I didn't want to make her completely obese and "fat as house" I just wanted to give her thick thighs and big natural boobs
@closetghostgal I think you mean South? You're talking about black one right? North is short dude next to her.
Yeah I made South "thicc" because southern states have higher obisety rate than rest of the country so she has a bit more chub than other plus she has great food
I didn't want to make her completely obese and "fat as house" I just wanted to give her thick thighs and big natural boobs