Scandinavia and the World
Scandinavia and the World

Comments #9848988:

Ace Bro America 19 11, 8:37am

@Irene you can be gay and an ace at the same time

Asexuals have different romanticism

Hetroromantic Asexual is Someone who is Asexual who has a romantic attraction to someone of the opposite gender

Homoromantic Asexual is someone who is Asexual who has a romantic attraction to someone of the same gender

Biromatnitc Asexual is someone who is Asexual who has a romantic attraction to either the same or opposite gender

Aromantic Asexual is someone who is Asexual who doesn't feel romantic feelings for anyone

My personal headcanon Bro America is Asexual but doesn't realize it causes of religious reasons he just thinks "only married people are allowed to feel those feelings and since he never felt them before marriage he thinks he's a good "celibate boy" because you have to wait until marriage to have s*x according to religious laws

I don't know, I just like the idea of Bro America being Asexual, I imagine someone in the Gray-Ace spectrum