@RusA #9856709 Well, I was brought up with the idea that it's extremely rude to make fun of someone's accent or use of English, or even to mention such things out unless there's a good reason to. For my part, I mostly only say something if I honestly don't know what the person is trying to say, and so I'll ask them to say it again until I can figure it out. Even then, I feel a bit embarrassed to do that.
I tend to write in a rather formal style, and I even talk that way most of the time, just because I've spent more time in the library reading books than talking to real people. Some people find it annoying, some find it charming, but I don't really care so long as they follow what I'm saying.
@RusA #9856709 Well, I was brought up with the idea that it's extremely rude to make fun of someone's accent or use of English, or even to mention such things out unless there's a good reason to. For my part, I mostly only say something if I honestly don't know what the person is trying to say, and so I'll ask them to say it again until I can figure it out. Even then, I feel a bit embarrassed to do that.
I tend to write in a rather formal style, and I even talk that way most of the time, just because I've spent more time in the library reading books than talking to real people.