Scandinavia and the World
Scandinavia and the World

Comments #9856807:


Trans Fear 25 4, 6:15am

@uktana Ow...thanx, u're so nice, kind and sincere :yes:
I think that u even better than God, coz u know everything and know all the answear in very funny and creative way :atroll:
I know i can be so annoying when i ask many-many questioms to peoples, and sometimes i asked the same questions several times, i don't know if i just forgetfull or don't find the right answear.
I used to asked so many questions in comic area, and then Mixu, that weird Karl Marx and even that Finn123 always answearing my questions. And sometimes i also ask some weird question to Mixu... Like... Is it true that people in Finland really eat Tar? :XD: after a fins replied my comment that the most important things for finnish peoples are (sauna,Tar, and alcohol) i though maybe there's a weird snacks only for people in the north, like poisonus thing. I meant that Mixu english not really good but he still young, so...we won't insult each others. :XD: